Aries New Moon

April 1st 2022: Set intentions to align with your soul’s mission

Welcome to a new astrological year! April first is the new moon in Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and sets the vibrational tone for the next twelve months. This start to the astrological year brings with it the energy of new beginnings and fiery optimism, giving us the energy to either re-commit to our goals or re-evaluate your intentions and how they align to your soul’s mission.

Immerse yourself in this energy of motivation, excitement and change and feel into the full potential of your life. Breathe new life into your intentions and envision yourself in a life that inspires you. This Aries new moon is the time to take action on turning dreams into reality.

Aries reminds us that we are all on our own journey through life, a journey that can only be walked by us. Aries gives the energy, the fire, the passion and the motivation to align with our mission and take the necessary steps to live a life aligned with that mission.

This Aries new moon offers us the higher vibrational energy of motivation, stamina, and exuberance for life when we align with our soul’s mission. As there is such strong energy at this time you may feel restless or even anxious, release some of this energy by moving the body, perhaps a run, a yoga practice or release mental energy with a journaling session.

Aries New moon intention setting divine feminine

Take time to feel into your dreams, to connect with your souls’ calling, when you are aligned with your life, with your mission you feel it energetically, and you feel filled with inspiration. Know that the Universe supports you even when it doesn’t feel like it. Commit to daily action no matter what challenges or obstacles arise, Aries reminds us of the inner fire to persevere through setbacks.

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Remember though, that it can take years to align with your life’s path. If you’re not clear on your soul’s mission be present for the moments when you are most happy or excited, when you feel absorbed in an activity, connect to what light’s you up.

The obstacles are the way

You will meet blocks on your path. External blocks, of which you have little control over, can appear as a nudge to rethink a decision or consider a different direction. Internal blocks are often manifested out of fear and these present us with challenges to be overcome, but with compassion and self-awareness rather than judgement and resentment. We are strengthened by these challenges, so allow them to be part of the journey, but don’t let them deter you from your path.

Be proud of your commitment and celebrate the small wins to fuel your courage and determination.

Journaling practice and New Moon Intention setting

Use these journaling prompts to help open the door to your intuition and connect to your new moon intentions.

1.     What lights you up? Where do you feel you are stepping into your power? What activities do you lose yourself in?

2.     What helps you to feel into your soul’s mission? What practices or activities help you to connect inwards, to listen in?

3.     What motivates you to take steps on your life’s path even when they feel scary or unknown?

4.     What might be holding you back from playing full out?

5.     What keeps you motivated even when your passions begin to fizzle? What gives you courage to overcome obstacles and inner strength to continue on your path?

Intention setting

Create a sacred space, a corner of the room or a cushion on the floor, bring some flowers, crystals or a candle, whatever you need to create a space where you can reflect and journal on your intentions for the next four weeks or this astrological year.


Envision yourself in a life that motivates and inspires you. What is present? What does it feel like? See the details of your life, how your day would unfold, See yourself moving through your day aligned with your mission, don’t worry about how you’ll get there.

Download the FREE “Accelerated Manifestation Through the Chakras” workbook