Easter symbolises hope, new life, abundance and magic and is one of the holidays most intertwined with pagan symbolism and ritual. Easter was celebrated way before Christianity with ancient civilizations celebrating the spring equinox and the days that followed.
I love how Easter reminds us to connect to the lunar cycles as well as the cycles of the seasons. Easter falls on the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox and so the date moves from year to year. The goddess Ostara, a fertility goddess, was worshipped by ancient Germanic civilizations at this time. In fact, it is thought that the name Easter is derived from the goddess Ostara, and while the name Easter is associated with rebirth, Ostara was more aligned with fertility and the radiant dawn.
Although, here in the Southern Hemisphere, Easter falls in Autumn, we can still connect to the ancient magic of Easter. Take some time over the Easter break to practice gratitude for the abundance around you, the abundance of food, friendship, of opportunity, or of peace. Be present to the magic in the everyday. The magic of the sunrise, the flower that knows just when to bloom, the delight in children’s eyes as they collect their bounty of chocolate eggs.
As we head into Autumn, slowing down into the darker nights and colder days of winter, rather than awakening into the light and rebirth of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, we can still see the possibility, the opportunity, and the new beginnings possible with the dawning of each day. Practicing presence, being in the moment, just as it is rather than clouding the new day with yesterday’s worries and tomorrows to do’s, allows you to be open to the constant process of renewal, of rebirth, and nurtures the seeds hope for ourselves, for others, and the planet, that we have planted in our hearts.
Easter is a celebration of hope, rebirth and trusting in the magic of life. Some of the symbols we associate Easter with can be traced back to ancient celebrations. While children now are delighted by the idea of the Easter Bunny hiding eggs for them to find, and it is wonderful as an adult to share in this joy (and in the chocolate!) the Hare is associated with Easter as it is also an ancient symbol of the moon. Many Ancient cultures have viewed eggs as a symbol of life and gave gifts of eggs during spring festivals in celebration of new life all around them. Enjoy your celebrations of life and of abundance this Easter.