Day 3 Mental Health Challenge

Feeling all the feels


feeling all the feels

Emotions are part of the human experience, some are pleasant, some are difficult, some make us act in ways we're not proud of and some support us to be the person we want to be.

Mindfulness offers us a moment of steadiness, gives us a chance to pause so we don't react habitually, and gives us the opportunity to respond more skilfully to the event.

learn to surf.png

A couple of deep breaths and feeling my feet on the ground has certainly prevented me from loosing my cool (not always though ) with my kids over the years.

But mindfulness can offer us more than this quick circuit breaker. We can bring our compassionate mindful awareness to our emotions, to observe them, and feel all the feels.

When we do this we begin to see that we are not the emotion, but are instead experiencing the emotion. That the emotion is not permanent and doesn't define us.

By observing our emotions and working mindfully with our feelings we notice how, like waves, we can't stop them rising and falling, but rather than be overwhelmed, dunked and swept around by the waves, we can learn to work more skilfully with them and surf.

Todays resources:

Befriending emotions, a meditation for kids
Release difficult thoughts and feelings, open to feeling more positive.
With an open heart, be with what is here in this moment. Open to ease and happiness, allow a smile to form and relax.

A. meditation for noticing and being with emotions