Day 6 Mental Health Challenge



Day 6 Mental Health Challenge: Mindset

Your mind will believe what you tell it! When we give ourselves the time and space to notice our thoughts, we can find that our thoughts are self-critical, judgemental and sometimes not all that kind.

We've been taught to "treat others how we'd like to be treated" how about we also "speak to ourselves how we speak to others"? We can be so supportive, encouraging, kind and empathetic towards our loved ones and yet so tough on ourselves.

Today, notice your thoughts - no need to criticise yourself for those self-critical thoughts! Just notice what your inner sound track is - is it supportive and encourage or judgemental and self-depreciating?

Remind yourself of your strengths and your unique qualities. Change your mantra and you can change your perspective of yourself and your life, and what is possible for you

Connect to your inner strengths and inner resources and remind yourself of your unique qualities.

Download your affirmation cards to share with your family. It’s a great way to start the day - pick a card and remind yourself of your great qualities!

Affirmation cards.jpg