Day 1
World Mental Health Day Challenge
Day 1: Find peace in this moment…….
Take a break from overwhelm, take a break from busyness, take a break from doing. What brings you peace and contentment?
Your practice for Day 1: Stop for a moment and ask yourself this, what brings you peace and content? What allows you to release stress and tension and align with the flow of life? Gardening? Meditation? Sewing? Walking in nature?
Make a list. But, knowledge without action doesn’t get results so commit to doing something today and, if you can, every day of the challenge.
Hardwire your reset button into your nervous system. Meditation helps me to reset, to start again at ground level. Rather than allowing tiny stressors (and sometimes the not so tiny stressors) to accumulate until I feel over-whelmed, I commit to a daily meditation. To me it’s like brushing your teeth, you don’t wait until you’ve got tooth ache or until you’ve got an appointment at the dentist. You look after your teeth, you brush them twice a day everyday to avoid the tooth ache. It’s good oral hygiene. Meditation is for me is like good mental hygiene.
Resources for today:
Calm the nervous system with a few rounds of mindful sphere breathing